Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Well hello strangers!!

It is hard to know just WHAT social site to keep up to date!!!!

So I will start here, as it is such a cool name, though I do not have a large following, then head to the one EVEYONE IS ON....... Facebook.....

Much has happened in the last two years.  I have re-established an old relationship and moved from my beloved Victoria on the ocean to a dry and thirsty land called Alberta.  I have however, moved closer to some of my dearest friends.

I have some fun pictures to upload, but they are on my computer at home, not here on my iPad, so will get the writing part done, then add the photos later.

I have been blessed by my Father and Mother with a bit of inheritance, so have been able to do a bit of travelling and have invested some for my future, and am seriously considering purchasing a condo back on Vancouver Island for the winters when the weather turns nasty here in Alberta.

I am currently preparing for my first ever cruise.  I am headed to Alaska for a week this month, then have to travel back to Ontario to visit my Father in June, then a wedding (also in Ontario) in July, then another cruise in October to help my brother celebrate his 50th!!!!!!!  So I will be a busy girl!!!!!

Then I will settle down for a bit and let the finances build up again!!!!!  I would still love to travel to Holland to visit my friends from when I worked in Curacao, and now I have a new friends that live in Taiwan that would love me to come stay with them......and the diving there is phenomenal, so that would be a blast......might just have to buying lottery tickets!!!!!!

For now, I am content and things are going very well........

But, how are you?????  Write when you can!!!!

Caroline. 😁

Monday, April 11, 2011

WOOOP WOOP........back in the water AGAIN

So.....it has been like FOREVER since I have posted a blog!! Comes with being OLD and forgetting my password!!! Well, I am back IN the water again, and it is so much fun!! I have really missed it, but as with all things in life, there are changes that need to be adjusted to before one goes back to doing what they love. Since my last posting, I have had much sadness in my life when my Mom passed away, as well as two of my older friends. To top it all off, I got a really weird cold that just wouldn't go away, and though I had no cough, my sinus's were continually plugged, or continually running.... BOTH of which are not good for a diver. Now all is well again, and as soon as my gear comes back from it's annual servicing, I will be getting what I am now calling: "GETTING SERIOUS ABOUT SALT" !!! I will try to remember to keep you all up to date!!! Caroline :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Canada Day - 1 JULY 2010

So....on our Great Countrys National Birthday, a small group of divers went to a small FLAT, SANDY BOTTOMED dive site to hunt for crabs to cook and eat on the beach.....
This was the fearless leader that they met upon arrival.....the event of course was a bit of a bust.....and now we know WHY....
Would YOU want to dive with this???
Of the multitude invited, only two arrived for the diving and one person came with his dog for the beach scene...
We had lots of fun, but unfortunately all of the crabs we found were either too small, or the wrong sex and we are not allowed to collect them.
So, we just had smokies and porkchops on the grill instead......we all left sated...that was what it was all about!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

New Year's Eve

Well here is the best photo ever...you know me, always having fun!! This is me on New Year's Eve....I always ring in the New Year UNDERWATER. I have done it for a few years because I was tired of going out and drinking my face off, I wanted to do something different. So one year, my best friend and dive buddy started a NEW tradition.....and we have done it for the last 5 years....this particular year, we had a friend bring some little bottles of champagne....but now there are in the fridge and the NEWEST tradition is to bring them with us, year after year and take new pictures of us WITH the bottles...
So PERHAPS after a number of years, this cheap crappy champagne will actually TASTE better? Or am I just fooling myself????
Either way, the picture is cute.....GOTTA LOVE ME!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hard to believe that it has been a YEAR since I have logged on to my BLOG....how sad is that???

It has been brought to my attention by my friends in Curacao, Belgium and Holland....so guess I need to get on it EH????

So....all is well....I have been living and working in Canada for over 2 years since my return from Curacao. I have been diving like crazy, in fact I have also had to buy all NEW GEAR....so the pocket book is empty.....mostly from a new camera!! Here is one of my best shots....

Enjoy......I promise to come here more often.....so watch for me.....

Monday, February 25, 2008


Hey Everyone!!!

Well, life is very busy these days!!! I am currently diving pretty much every day, which is REALLY good considering the amount of gear that I have to use up here in the COLD WATERS of British Columbia. BUT.......there is a reason!!! My dive shop is having their annual DIVE CHALLENGE 2008, where there are amazing prizes to be won, just for playing the game!!

I will send some pictures of us playing TEXAS HOLD EM POKER underwater for charity at a later date, but thought that I would post a pretty picture of my first attempt at underwater photography. Well, maybe not so pretty, but what do you expect with a first attempt in cold water....HELLOOOOOO.....can you say numb fingers for pushing the WEEEEEE buttons they put on underwater cameras that are only manufactured for the tropics???
This picture is my dive buddy and fellow photographer.....Jes......

Huggies to all my friends.....will try to up date this thing more often.....Caroline in Canada!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contest

Well, here we go! I have finally been able to log into my Blogger, so that I can bring you up to date!!! A girl must clear her "CACHE" and "HISTORY" in her "Internet Options" area, then log off and then log back in, so that she has a clean computer to do this....so....I have done all that and now I can bring you all up to date, and hope to keep you up to date.....thanks to Freia and Rob!!

I have now been back in Canada for almost a year. It is weird to think that this time last year, I was living my dream of being a scuba instructor and living on a Caribbean Island!!! Shortly there after, I got sick with Dengue and decided to return to Canada. That life is only pictures now....fond pictures, but just that...... pictures......but that is okay too.......because....

I am enjoying myself here in Victoria, on Canada's west coast (we call it the WET COAST, because of all the rain in winter....no snow....just rain). I have a good job. Though it is not my dream job, it is enabling me to live and dive, and visit my friends and family. There is also the hope that I will be able to visit Holland in the next year or two, to do some diving with my Dutch friends!!!
I have just returned from doing an Underwater Pumpkin Carving contest!!! Yup, you got it.....just like it sounds....wrestle a pumpkin full of air, to the bottom of the marina....and start carving with your dive knife!!!! It is fun, and the prizes are very good. I have done it every year. It is so much fun, no matter how cold the weather is outside... I would have liked to have done it in Curacao if the pumpkins had not cost a small fortune!!! As they are grown here, they are very cheap.....I have to learn how to attach pictures (that is my next project), but here is one for fun......
Keep in touch.....love you all.....Caroline in Canada