Monday, February 25, 2008


Hey Everyone!!!

Well, life is very busy these days!!! I am currently diving pretty much every day, which is REALLY good considering the amount of gear that I have to use up here in the COLD WATERS of British Columbia. BUT.......there is a reason!!! My dive shop is having their annual DIVE CHALLENGE 2008, where there are amazing prizes to be won, just for playing the game!!

I will send some pictures of us playing TEXAS HOLD EM POKER underwater for charity at a later date, but thought that I would post a pretty picture of my first attempt at underwater photography. Well, maybe not so pretty, but what do you expect with a first attempt in cold water....HELLOOOOOO.....can you say numb fingers for pushing the WEEEEEE buttons they put on underwater cameras that are only manufactured for the tropics???
This picture is my dive buddy and fellow photographer.....Jes......

Huggies to all my friends.....will try to up date this thing more often.....Caroline in Canada!!!

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