Monday, April 11, 2011

WOOOP WOOP........back in the water AGAIN has been like FOREVER since I have posted a blog!! Comes with being OLD and forgetting my password!!! Well, I am back IN the water again, and it is so much fun!! I have really missed it, but as with all things in life, there are changes that need to be adjusted to before one goes back to doing what they love. Since my last posting, I have had much sadness in my life when my Mom passed away, as well as two of my older friends. To top it all off, I got a really weird cold that just wouldn't go away, and though I had no cough, my sinus's were continually plugged, or continually running.... BOTH of which are not good for a diver. Now all is well again, and as soon as my gear comes back from it's annual servicing, I will be getting what I am now calling: "GETTING SERIOUS ABOUT SALT" !!! I will try to remember to keep you all up to date!!! Caroline :)

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