Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Well hello strangers!!

It is hard to know just WHAT social site to keep up to date!!!!

So I will start here, as it is such a cool name, though I do not have a large following, then head to the one EVEYONE IS ON....... Facebook.....

Much has happened in the last two years.  I have re-established an old relationship and moved from my beloved Victoria on the ocean to a dry and thirsty land called Alberta.  I have however, moved closer to some of my dearest friends.

I have some fun pictures to upload, but they are on my computer at home, not here on my iPad, so will get the writing part done, then add the photos later.

I have been blessed by my Father and Mother with a bit of inheritance, so have been able to do a bit of travelling and have invested some for my future, and am seriously considering purchasing a condo back on Vancouver Island for the winters when the weather turns nasty here in Alberta.

I am currently preparing for my first ever cruise.  I am headed to Alaska for a week this month, then have to travel back to Ontario to visit my Father in June, then a wedding (also in Ontario) in July, then another cruise in October to help my brother celebrate his 50th!!!!!!!  So I will be a busy girl!!!!!

Then I will settle down for a bit and let the finances build up again!!!!!  I would still love to travel to Holland to visit my friends from when I worked in Curacao, and now I have a new friends that live in Taiwan that would love me to come stay with them......and the diving there is phenomenal, so that would be a blast......might just have to buying lottery tickets!!!!!!

For now, I am content and things are going very well........

But, how are you?????  Write when you can!!!!

Caroline. 😁

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