Sunday, November 11, 2007

Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contest

Well, here we go! I have finally been able to log into my Blogger, so that I can bring you up to date!!! A girl must clear her "CACHE" and "HISTORY" in her "Internet Options" area, then log off and then log back in, so that she has a clean computer to do have done all that and now I can bring you all up to date, and hope to keep you up to date.....thanks to Freia and Rob!!

I have now been back in Canada for almost a year. It is weird to think that this time last year, I was living my dream of being a scuba instructor and living on a Caribbean Island!!! Shortly there after, I got sick with Dengue and decided to return to Canada. That life is only pictures now....fond pictures, but just that...... pictures......but that is okay too.......because....

I am enjoying myself here in Victoria, on Canada's west coast (we call it the WET COAST, because of all the rain in snow....just rain). I have a good job. Though it is not my dream job, it is enabling me to live and dive, and visit my friends and family. There is also the hope that I will be able to visit Holland in the next year or two, to do some diving with my Dutch friends!!!
I have just returned from doing an Underwater Pumpkin Carving contest!!! Yup, you got it.....just like it sounds....wrestle a pumpkin full of air, to the bottom of the marina....and start carving with your dive knife!!!! It is fun, and the prizes are very good. I have done it every year. It is so much fun, no matter how cold the weather is outside... I would have liked to have done it in Curacao if the pumpkins had not cost a small fortune!!! As they are grown here, they are very cheap.....I have to learn how to attach pictures (that is my next project), but here is one for fun......
Keep in you all.....Caroline in Canada

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Monday, April 30, 2007


Hee Honey!!!

Well, things are finally starting to settle down. I have my new apartment that is beautiful, and big!!!! I have a nice BIG bed in a nice BIG bedroom!! A nice step up from my old place. Though I miss the COZY feeling, it is nice not to have to see and hear everything when friends came to visit!! The job is steady, the weather is warming up, but I still haven't had the guts to get back into the COLD WATER!!! For those of you who are my SOUTHERN friends.....STAY THERE!!!!! Except for missing my family, I am still not sure what exactly possessed me to go from a 3mm shortie to a 7mm DRYSUIT....brrrrrrr....a blonde moment for sure.... Here is a picture of what you are NOT missing.....Well, you know how to leave me a message.....Love you all, miss you all..... :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

WET, WET, WET!!!!!!

Hey Gang!
Well, it looks as though the West Coast of Vancouver Island is a WET adventure, so I have decided to stay on the Southern Tip. Still an unemployed BUM, but that is okay, it is only a matter of time before it all comes me and let me know how you are all doing.....
Love ya!!!!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Somewhere over the RAYnbow!!

Greetings All!!

Well the job search here on Vancouver Island is not going so well, and the longer I sit waiting for something to happen (with all of the resumes out there) the more I realize that I wasn't very sick after all!!! That I should have stayed in the Caribbean.....silly girl. At the same time, I am having fun looking at my pictures, remembering my friends, collegues and FISHIES!!!!
This picture is of my friend and Caribbean collegue Ray.....HEY is that new apartment of yours??? Sick of waking up to the sea rolling in on your door step every morning??? Ya BUM!! I am so jealous!!!!
Don't forget to look at my blog every now and then, and make some comments. No use using this format if nobody is going to keep in touch with me! Love you all, miss you more. Caroline :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Always an Adventure

Hee everyone!!! Life is always an adventure. I was looking through my Curacao pictures, and I realized that I did LOTS of FIRSTS while living on the island. My first fresh COCONUT, that my imagination promptly turned into a mouse (see picture). My first FRESH MANGOS plucked from a tree in my own back yard. My first IGUANA. My first SEA TURTLE. My first ATV ride with pictures to prove it. Other FIRSTS that are secret!!!! Come to think of it, the WHOLE experience was a FIRST. I would like to thank EVERYONE that was a part of my FIRSTS and helped me to make my FIRST happen. My folks!!!! I love them lots. I couldn't have done it without them. They helped me to meet all of you, and you have all become a part of the intricate pattern on the Quilt of My Life!! Huggies to everyone

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Well, here we go!!! A new toy to take up Caroline's Time....a blog site....

Hope you enjoy....and grow with can blame Rob in Curacao for starting the monster....

Write when you can..... Caroline :)