Monday, February 5, 2007

Somewhere over the RAYnbow!!

Greetings All!!

Well the job search here on Vancouver Island is not going so well, and the longer I sit waiting for something to happen (with all of the resumes out there) the more I realize that I wasn't very sick after all!!! That I should have stayed in the Caribbean.....silly girl. At the same time, I am having fun looking at my pictures, remembering my friends, collegues and FISHIES!!!!
This picture is of my friend and Caribbean collegue Ray.....HEY is that new apartment of yours??? Sick of waking up to the sea rolling in on your door step every morning??? Ya BUM!! I am so jealous!!!!
Don't forget to look at my blog every now and then, and make some comments. No use using this format if nobody is going to keep in touch with me! Love you all, miss you more. Caroline :)

1 comment:

Rob & Freia said...

Hey silly girl :-)
How have you been? Sorry to hear about the job hunt but don't worry about it ... it is the same thing all over the world but... we do miss ya here!
Other then that.. we are going home in 3 days, strangely excited and not at the same time. I mean, look forward to seeing my family and friends but I so look up to leaving my house, my home, my pets for 2 weeks (and the cold of course.. it is -2 Celsius and snowing there right now!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! )
But what the hell ... we'll were double underwear!?!

Anyways, gotta go now..maybe till.. otherwise speak to ya soon..