Monday, March 16, 2009

New Year's Eve

Well here is the best photo know me, always having fun!! This is me on New Year's Eve....I always ring in the New Year UNDERWATER. I have done it for a few years because I was tired of going out and drinking my face off, I wanted to do something different. So one year, my best friend and dive buddy started a NEW tradition.....and we have done it for the last 5 years....this particular year, we had a friend bring some little bottles of champagne....but now there are in the fridge and the NEWEST tradition is to bring them with us, year after year and take new pictures of us WITH the bottles...
So PERHAPS after a number of years, this cheap crappy champagne will actually TASTE better? Or am I just fooling myself????
Either way, the picture is cute.....GOTTA LOVE ME!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hard to believe that it has been a YEAR since I have logged on to my sad is that???

It has been brought to my attention by my friends in Curacao, Belgium and guess I need to get on it EH????

So....all is well....I have been living and working in Canada for over 2 years since my return from Curacao. I have been diving like crazy, in fact I have also had to buy all NEW the pocket book is empty.....mostly from a new camera!! Here is one of my best shots....

Enjoy......I promise to come here more watch for me.....