Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Always an Adventure

Hee everyone!!! Life is always an adventure. I was looking through my Curacao pictures, and I realized that I did LOTS of FIRSTS while living on the island. My first fresh COCONUT, that my imagination promptly turned into a mouse (see picture). My first FRESH MANGOS plucked from a tree in my own back yard. My first IGUANA. My first SEA TURTLE. My first ATV ride with pictures to prove it. Other FIRSTS that are secret!!!! Come to think of it, the WHOLE experience was a FIRST. I would like to thank EVERYONE that was a part of my FIRSTS and helped me to make my FIRST happen. My folks!!!! I love them lots. I couldn't have done it without them. They helped me to meet all of you, and you have all become a part of the intricate pattern on the Quilt of My Life!! Huggies to everyone

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Well, here we go!!! A new toy to take up Caroline's Time....a blog site....

Hope you enjoy....and grow with can blame Rob in Curacao for starting the monster....

Write when you can..... Caroline :)